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Some More Information about Heart Rate Monitors

One very important thing you can do today is to buy a heart rate monitor to improve and help focus your training. The best heart rate monitors vary from person to person based on individual need,but have a few essential parts in common.

During your workout you can easily track your heart rate using a high quality heart rate monitor. You can easily focus your workouts so that you train within a certain target zone. You can train anywhere from Easy to High Exertion and even target a Fat Burning Zone. There are many different types of monitors to choose from, each having different features.

The different ranges of training are usually expressed as a percentage of your maximum heart rate (MHR). An easy way to calculate this is to subtract your age from 220. 80-90% of your MHR is considered to be the maximum level you want to go during a workout. 50-70% is typically a light jog and is considered a moderate level. However, this method may not be a very accurate indicator for very fit people.

One type of Best Heart Rate Monitor is the chest strap model. Though these are the most complicated and perhaps the least comfortable to wear, especially for women, they are the most accurate. These types of monitors are completely wireless, feeding data from the chest strap to the wrist monitor. Make sure that strap stays in good contact with your chest, otherwise you get incorrect readings. Try adding moisture to seal the connection.

Another type of monitor relies on pulse rates. You have to put your finger on the monitor to get a heart rate reading. This can be kind of a pain right in the middle of a workout. This kind is less expensive though, so they are a good option if you are on a budget. These usually look just like a watch too.


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